Book Review: You by Caroline Kepnes

I will admit that I decided to start this book series based off of the fact that I liked watching the TV series (as of today I’ve watched season and one and two). One of my favorite things to do is to read books that movies or series is based on (I know I know the shows are never as good as the books) and then compare the two. I like seeing what was kept or changed. Well, last night I finished the last couple chapters of this book and wanted to write my review while it’s still fresh in my mind.

My first thought after I finished the book was wow (I know I know very Beck of me). This is the first book I’ve ever read in the perspective of the killer, and I have to say, it was a crazy ride. Book Joe is so much scarier than tv Joe, and I was honestly here for it. He had me terrified through the whole book. Plus, the whole time I was reading it, I couldn’t help but think “this could actually happen in real life”. I’m a huge horror, thriller, mystery, fantasy fan, but this one felt like it could actually be plausible.

I think one of the things that scared me the most is how Joe put beck up on this high pedestal. He thought she was absolutely perfect (don’t we all want to see the best in our partners though?), but then when her flaws started showing, he blamed her for no longer being perfect. I felt like once her cracks started showing, he became angrier and angrier at her all the while he, himself, thought he was perfect (the perfect boyfriend, the one who did everything right, etc.). While in reality he was this creepy, stalker psycho dude. My heart bled for Beck because she was a normal young adult trying to live her life. Was she perfect? No, but she was real. It was Joe who was wearing a mask. I’m a way, Beck represents young women in general. You could almost put any woman in Beck’s place. I feel like Joe would have eventually found flaws in everyone.

It was interesting getting to look into the mind of Joe. What I think I liked the most about him was that on the outside, he appeared very normal. He was just another face in a sea of faces. But, inside his mind was monstrous. This whole book was very twentieth century American Psycho.

I love how this book kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time I was reading it. I did watch season one first, but that didn’t really change my enjoyment of the book being how there were a lot of things different between the two. So, if you’re like me, you can find enjoyment in both of them.

I did envision Joe looking and sounding like the Joe from the TV series though. Maybe because that’s pretty close to how I would have pictured him in the book anyway. Kudos to whoever did the casting for the tv series. I am curious to see how different Hidden Bodies is from season two. I probably won’t watch seasons three and four until I finish Hidden Bodies, which is the second book in the book series.

I would highly recommend this one to anyone who loves a good thriller. I would not recommend this one to anyone who is easily frightened of men.

All in all I would give this book a 4.5 stars out of 5 because it kept me on the edge of my seat, it was a fast read, and I found myself continually wanting to know what happens next. It was gripping, and I find myself still thinking about it after I’ve closed the book.

I will be reading the next three books in time, but will be breaking them up a bit. I tried something different and let me partner pick out my next read, so up next on my reading list is Sundial by Catriona Ward. Please keep an eye out for my next book review. Happy reading!

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